It’s Spring in Spring – Let’s conserve water, save money & get rid of e-waste!


Have you downloaded the Eye on Water App available to MUD 367 residents?  This App allows you to see how much water you’re using and can even alert you to possible leaks on your property.  Almost 40% of MUD 367 residents have downloaded this free app and are taking advantage of its value.  You will need your water bill for initial set up then proceed to the App Store and download EyeOnWater.  Make sure to activate “Leak Alerts” to be contacted if there is a continuous flow of water of 1 gallon or more over a 24-hour period.

E-Cycle and Shred Event

This Saturday, April 15th Best Trash, in conjunction with MUD 367, will be conducting an E-cycle and Shred Event at the Gleannloch Farms Recreational Center from 9 to 11:30 am.

Rachio Smart Meter Sprinkler System Controller – 1 Week Sale!

Easy-to-install Rachio sprinkler system controller provides self-adjusting watering schedules that use customized yard details and the latest watering technology to determine exactly how much to water and when. It also uses predictive technology to automatically skip watering before it starts raining, saving you water and money.

Earth Day is almost here, and there are several ways to save with Rachio! Take advantage of MUD 367’s partnership with Rachio & purchase a Smart Sprinkler 8-zone controller for $79.99 (regularly priced at $89.99).  The 16-zone controller is on sale for $84.99 (regularly priced at $94.99). Start saving on your water bill, automatically!

This deal is only available April 11-18, 2023, and will be going fast, so get yours today.

To activate this special offer only available to MUD 367 residents, please see our website at:

Fall Tips

  • Now is the time to turn off your irrigation system until March or April and manually operate if you feel it is necessary.
  • Most of the grass in our district is going dormant. Continued irrigation may cause fungal infections that won’t be noticeable until the spring or early summer.
  • Feel free to mulch but don’t water. There will be adequate rain during the fall and winter to provide moisture for plant roots.

Winterizing Your PVB

Gleannloch Farms MUD 367 Residents:

As temperatures begin to drop over the next few weeks, we may encounter possible freezing weather for short-term or longer-term periods. Winterizing your sprinkler system, primarily the above-ground Pressure Vacuum Breaker (PVB) could end up saving you money from repairing or replacing this item upon bursting from a hard freeze.

The following video walks you through the process in a clear and concise step-by-step process.

If you have any questions about these steps, please send Dustin Qualls an email at Thanks, and stay warm!

Partnership with Rachio Smart Sprinkler Controllers

MUD 367 is excited to announce our partnership with Rachio Smart Sprinkler Controllers to offer a substantial discount on their Rachio 3 model.This controller attaches to your current sprinkler system and can determine how much water your landscape actually needs.

Don’t water in the rain! Rachio’s weather intelligence customizes your yard details using technology and science!

RACHIO 3 Smart Sprinkler Controller for 8 (or less) zonesMUD 367 resident cost: $89.99 + tax (retail: $229, a savings of $139.01)

RACHIO 3 Smart Sprinkler Controller for 16 (or less) zonesMUD 367 resident cost: $94.99 + tax (retail: $ 238.11, a savings of $143.12)

Additional information and ordering available on the Rachio’s website:

Some Restrictions Apply

Rachio 3 Flyer (PDF)