Board Meeting Cancelled – December 14, 2022
Please note because there is not a quorum for the meeting tomorrow, it is cancelled.
Please note because there is not a quorum for the meeting tomorrow, it is cancelled.
Attention MUD 367 residents: If you have not received your tax statement and you do not escrow your taxes, please contact the MUD 367 Tax Office at 281-499-1223 or visit their website at: Tax Tech, Inc.
MUD 367 has been proactive in annually preparing for Hurricane Season by securing the district water plants and lift stations with fully equipped generators in the event of a power outage. The district’s Operator, Municipal Operations, will be working 24/7 to ensure water is not disrupted or contaminated during a possible crisis. It is still advisable to be prepared and follow local authorities recommendations during hurricane season.
MUD 367 residents are encouraged to complete the attached survey if they experienced property damage during the February 2021 freeze. Harris County will use this data to support their application for state and/or federal aid.