NHCRWA Board Votes to Reduce Water Rates for the Second Time in 2023

At its regular Board meeting on September 11, 2023, the Board of Directors of the North Harris County Regional Water Authority (NHCRWA) voted to reduce water rates. The Board reduced surface water rates from $4.55 to $4.05 per 1,000 gallons. This is the second time in eight months the Authority has made rate reductions, making a total of $1.00 per thousand gallons of usage, or approximately 20% and 22% rate cuts, respectively. The new rates will go into effect October 1, 2023.

This pass-through cost from NHCRWA is shown as “Regional Water Authority” on your MUD 367 water bill.

As an example, if your usage for the billing period 10/4/23 to 11/3/23 is 12,000 gallons, the RWA fee would be reduced from $54.60 to $48.60. MUD 367 water and sewer rates will remain the same.

To read more about this reduction, please go to the NHCRWA website:

NHCRWA Board Votes to Reduce Water Rates for the Second Time in 2023

Notice of Mandatory Water Use Restrictions

The City of Houston (COH), the primary source of water for the North Harris County Regional Water Authority (Authority), has entered stage two of their Drought Contingency Plan, effective on August 27, 2023.

As required by the Authority’s Drought Contingency Plan, the Authority must enter Stage 2 of our Drought Contingency Plan, when the COH enters into Stage 2 water shortage of their Drought Contingency Plan.

This triggers the MUD 367 & 383 Drought Contingency Plan, Stage 2, to go into effect on August 27, 2023 by enforcing the following notice:

Electronic Waste Pickup and Document Shredding: October 7, 2023

For HC MUD 383 & HC MUD 367 Only

Document destruction will be provided on-site. You can watch while your files are shredded!!!

Provided free of charge by Best Trash.

Date: Saturday, October 07, 2023
Location of Event: 19828 Gleannbury Pointe Drive, Spring, Texas 77379
10:00 am – 12:00 pm

Items We Accept

  • Personal computers
  • ***TV’s ($25.00 disposal Fee)
  • Keyboards, mouse, and speakers
  • Cameras
  • Switches & routers
  • Cords & cables
  • Game consoles
  • Small kitchen appliances
  • ***Computer monitors including: CRT, LCD, LED, Plasma (CRT $10.00 disposal fee)
  • Laptops
  • Hard drives
  • Car batteries
  • AAA – AA – D – C Type batteries
  • Memory chips
  • Hubs and routers
  • Tape drives
  • Printers, copiers, and plotters
  • Fax machines
  • PDAs
  • Projectors
  • Rechargeable batteries
  • Telephones
  • Cell phones
  • Toner cartridges
  • Paper Documents For Shredding – must remove all metal other than staples from paper and all plastic sleeves.

TV’s accepted – with fee of $25.00 each for disposal.

CRT Monitors accepted – with fee of $10.00 each for disposal.

Items Not Accepted

  • CFL light bulbs
  • Major appliances
  • Paint
  • Aerosol Containers
  • Medical Waste
  • Hazardous Waste (other than batteries)

Effective Immediately: Stage 1 – Voluntary

Water Restrictions in Effect

Outdoor watering of lawn and garden between hours of 8:00 p.m. and 3:00 a.m.:

  • Odd-Number Addresses: Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays
  • Even-Number Addresses: Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays

Thank you in advance for your help in conserving water during these drought conditions.

It’s Spring in Spring – Let’s conserve water, save money & get rid of e-waste!


Have you downloaded the Eye on Water App available to MUD 367 residents?  This App allows you to see how much water you’re using and can even alert you to possible leaks on your property.  Almost 40% of MUD 367 residents have downloaded this free app and are taking advantage of its value.  You will need your water bill for initial set up then proceed to the App Store and download EyeOnWater.  Make sure to activate “Leak Alerts” to be contacted if there is a continuous flow of water of 1 gallon or more over a 24-hour period.

E-Cycle and Shred Event

This Saturday, April 15th Best Trash, in conjunction with MUD 367, will be conducting an E-cycle and Shred Event at the Gleannloch Farms Recreational Center from 9 to 11:30 am.

Rachio Smart Meter Sprinkler System Controller – 1 Week Sale!

Easy-to-install Rachio sprinkler system controller provides self-adjusting watering schedules that use customized yard details and the latest watering technology to determine exactly how much to water and when. It also uses predictive technology to automatically skip watering before it starts raining, saving you water and money.

Earth Day is almost here, and there are several ways to save with Rachio! Take advantage of MUD 367’s partnership with Rachio & purchase a Smart Sprinkler 8-zone controller for $79.99 (regularly priced at $89.99).  The 16-zone controller is on sale for $84.99 (regularly priced at $94.99). Start saving on your water bill, automatically!

This deal is only available April 11-18, 2023, and will be going fast, so get yours today.

To activate this special offer only available to MUD 367 residents, please see our website at: https://go.rachio.com/hcmud367/

Annual Community Shred and E-waste Day

Saturday, April 15, 2023
9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
9420 Gleannloch Forest Drive
Recreation Center Parking Lot
Sponsored by BEST TRASH and HC367 Board
Event Flyer (PDF)

This Shred and E-Waste Day event is scheduled for the residents of the Gleannloch Farms community.

A shred truck will be parked at the Recreational community center to receive up to 5 boxes per resident (18 inches by 12 inches) of paper goods.  Shredding documents is an excellent way to get rid of important papers and protect your family from identity theft.

Electronic Recycling will provide a truck and the manpower to safely remove all computer related electronics that any resident brings.

The following items will be accepted:

  • Phone systems, phones
  • Hard Drives
  • Routers, switches
  • Servers
  • PCs
  • Laptops
  • Any monitor or TV – NOTE: CRT Type TV’s/monitors will incur a fee of $25 per TV or $10 per monitor which will be accepted upfront.

The following items will NOT be accepted:

  • Light bulbs
  • Household batteries

Shredding Tips

  • Remove Metal Binders & Binder Clips before arriving (paper clips & staples are acceptable)
  • No Wet Paper
  • No Hard Drives, CD’s, Video Tapes or Film Reels

Please do not bring your paper in a plastic bag. This slows the process down as the bag must be ripped open and inspected before disposing of the paper. Please bring it loose inside a box and the box will be returned to you.

There is no need to shred your papers before dropping it off. If you prefer to watch your documents shredded, please park your car away from the truck and walk to drop off and watch. We assure you all documents received between 9-11:30 will be shredded on site.


NHCRWA Board Votes to Reduce Water Rates

Please be advised that at its January 9, 2023, Regular Board Meeting, the Board of Directors of the North Harris County Regional Water Authority (NHCRWA) voted to reduce water rates. The Board reduced surface water rates from $5.05 to $4.55 per 1,000 gallons which will go into effect February 1, 2023. This pass-through cost from NHCRWA is shown as “Regional Water Authority” on your MUD 367 water bill. Currently, MUD 367 is charged $5.05 for the surface water used and this cost will be reduced to $4.55 effective 2/1/2023.

As an example, if your usage for the billing period 2/4/23 to 3/3/23 is 12,000 gallons, the RWA fee would be reduced from $60.60 to $54.60. MUD 367 water and sewer rates will remain the same.

To read more about this reduction, please go to the NHCRWA website:

NHCRWA Board votes to reduce water rates

Trash Collection MLK and President’s Day

MUD 367 trash collection will be picked up by Best Trash as usual on Monday, January 16th (MLK Holiday) and Monday, February 20th (President’s Day). There will be NO interruption of service. Please make sure your trash cans are at the curb by 7am.