Winterizing Your Sprinkler System

MUD 367 strongly recommends winterizing your sprinkler system to avoid a burst & leak after a freeze. The attached “How To” video offers step by step guidance:

Calculate Your Monthly Water Bill in Real-Time

Harris County MUD 367 has recently developed a simple water bill calculator so that residents can see what their water bill would be on any given day of the billing cycle. From the “Usage” tab in the Eye on Water app, simply look up your current monthly water usage (in thousands of gallons) and then use this value in the drop-down menu of the water bill calculator. The calculator is broken down by the same three components as your monthly water bill. The calculator can be found on the Water Bill Calculator page.

In Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic, Please Review the Following Information

Harris County Municipal Utility District 367’s Board of Directors is conscious of maintenance costs incurred by the District. Clogged pipes cause major problems in wastewater treatment facilities. They may also cause home plumbing issues. Residents can help maintain a working sanitary sewer system by being mindful of what they put down the drain or flush down the toilet.

The following items should NOT be put down the drain or flushed:

  • DO NOT FLUSH Feminine hygiene products in the toilet:
    Items such as tampons and feminine pads are absorbent and increase in size after exposure to water in the pipes. This causes clogs in plumbing and the District’s sewer system. These items should be disposed of in a wastebasket.
  • DO NOT FLUSH “Flushable” sanitary wipes and baby wipes down the toilet:
    Despite being labeled as flushable by the manufacturer, these products may clump up in the pipes and cause clogs. Instead of flushing these items, keep a waste receptacle by the toilet for disposal.
  • DO NOT FLUSH Cotton swabs such as “Q-tips” in the toilet:
    These items include stiff cardboard or plastic stems in the middle which can clog pipes. Also, if they do make it to a wastewater treatment plant, they must be removed from the water and hauled to a proper trash facility. This creates an extra cost for your District.
  • DO NOT FLUSH Diapers down the toilet:
    Whether cloth or disposable, infant and adult diapers should never be disposed of in the toilet. They are too large to fit through the plumbing of your home and cause blockages in District pipes that take wastewater to treatment plants.
  • DO NOT FLUSH Cotton Balls and Paper Towels in the toilet:
    These items are too bulky to fit through the pipes and will cause plumbing obstructions.
  • DO NOT FLUSH Cigarette Butts in the toilet or wash down the sink:
    Cigarette butts build up over time causing clogs and accumulate with other solid waste that should not have been flushed. These items must be hauled away to a trash facility, costing your District additional expense.
  • DO NOT POUR Cooking Grease down the drain or in the toilet:
    While hot cooking grease may seem easy to pour down the kitchen sink, it cools quickly once exposed to plumbing. Congealed grease can build up over time and create clogs.
  • DO NOT FLUSH Condoms and other prophylactics in the toilet:
    These items may cause clogs in the system and if they make it to a wastewater treatment facility, will have to be hauled to a proper trash disposal plant, increasing costs to your District.

Essentially, only wastewater and human waste should go down the drain or be flushed. Your help in adhering to these guidelines is greatly appreciated and will save your District unnecessary expenses.

Update Regarding City of Houston Main Line Break

Harris County Municipal Utility District 367 (HCMUD 367) residents may have learned that there is a main line break that is affecting the east side of City of Houston. A boil water notice has been suggested for residents of the City of Houston only at this time.

This news post is to let HCMUD 367 residents know the District’s water system disinfects any surface water received from the City of Houston. Additionally, the District’s water flow does not come from the East Facility where the 96” Main Line break occurred yesterday. The District’s water system is working as designed and without issue.

As a preventative measure, the District operator, Municipal Operations and Consulting, Inc., has made adjustments to the water supply from surface water to all ground water to further protect residents from any concerns.

Again, the District may not be affected in any way by the situation in City of Houston. If a boil water notice is required by the District or the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, this post will be updated with that information.

Let your neighbors know there is no reason to be concerned! Share this post out to social media.

How to Register Your Smart Meter

Getting Started

Check out the resources below for information on registering your smart meter and viewing your usage via EyeOnWater app. EyeOnWater lets you see how much water you’re using and can even alert you of possible leaks on your property.

What You’ll Need

Visit to access online or download the mobile app.

When creating your account, you will need your 15 digit water service account number including the hyphen, indicated on your water bill.

EyeOnWater Web App

EyeOnWater Mobile App

What is the NHCRWA Fee?

The North Harris County Regional Water Authority (“NHCRWA”) is a governmental entity created by the Texas Legislature that assists in converting the region within its boundaries from using groundwater to predominantly surface water in order to combat subsidence. In order to comply with the legislative mandate to reduce groundwater usage, HCMUD 367 (“the District”), along with other municipal utility districts in the area, is part of the NHCRWA’s Groundwater Reduction Plan (“GRP”).

To comply with the groundwater reduction mandate, the NHCRWA is responsible for constructing the necessary water delivery infrastructure to deliver surface water to the areas within the NHCRWA. In order to design, construct, and operate the necessary infrastructure, the NHCRWA assesses fees to the well owners/municipal utility districts within the NHCRWA’s boundaries based on the amount of water pumped by their wells and the amount of surface water received from the NHCRWA.

The NHCRWA assesses a fee for both groundwater and surface water usage by residents. This fee is used by the NHCRWA to fund projects intended to reduce regional subsidence and to meet legislatively-mandated surface water conversion goals. More information on the NHCRWA and their programs is on their website,

Securing a long-term, reliable supply of wholesale drinking water for North Harris County

Accordingly, the NHCRWA charges the District a fee for every 1,000 gallons of ground-water and surface-water withdrawn by the District (the “GRP Fee”), and the GRP Fee may be increased by the NHCRWA from time to time. The District then passes the GRP Fees through to the District’s users based on the amount of water they use. As such, each user within the District is billed, in addition to the district’s water rates, a separate amount for each 1,000 gallons of water delivered to such user in a billing cycle that is equal to 100% the GRP Fee charged to the District by the NHCRWA for each 1,000 gallons of water for that period.

The NHCRWA fee that residents see on their bill is not a fee levied by the District; it is a mandatory fee levied by the NHCRWA that is passed through to residents via their water bills. This fee is based solely on how much water residents use in their home. For more information on NHCRWA, please visit:

If you have any further questions on this or anything else related to HCMUD 367, please do not hesitate to utilize the contact form on the District website.

Water conservation tips are available at

Regional Water Authority Surcharges Rate Update

The NHCRWA fee on your water bill is imposed by the North Harris County Regional Water Authority to fund surface water conversion, which was mandated by the State of Texas. HCMUD367 does not control this fee and the fee is a direct pass through. Currently, the fee is $4.30 per 1,000 gallons used, with annual increases expected. For more information on NHCRWA, please visit: